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38 Results for “av access”

GORE® VIABAHN® Endoprosthesis Found to Provide Superior Patency and Reduced Interventions Versus Balloon Angioplasty Alone for Challenging AV Access Cases

New data from Gore REVISE Clinical Study published online in Journal of Vascular Surgery illustrates role device can play in maintaining and salvaging failing dialysis circuits

Gore REVISE Clinical Study Demonstrates Superiority of GORE VIABAHN Endoprosthesis

GORE Device Outperforms Standard Treatment Option for Stenoses or Thrombotic Occlusions

GORE® DrySeal Flex Introducer Sheath Advances Care through Access

New sheath provides exceptional access to challenging anatomies and branch vessels

セミナーレポート 第26回日本透析アクセス医学会 関島光裕先生 (白石病院) 2023

ゴア® バイアバーン® ステントグラフト使用症例の検討

PDF, 808.23 KB

GORE® VIABAHN® Endoprosthesis Marks 20 Years of Proven Performance

Market-leading stent-graft has evolved to address range of indications, patient needs