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Catalogue Numbers for GORE® SEAMGUARD® Bioabsorbable Staple Line Reinforcement

Configured for endoscopic staplers
Stapling device Cartridge colour Catalogue number
ETHICON ECHELON ENDOPATH® 45 Stapler White, blue, green, gold 1BSGEC45E
ETHICON ECHELON FLEX 45 ENDOPATH® Stapler White, blue, green, gold 1BSGEC45E
ETHICON ECHELON ENDOPATH® 60 Stapler White, blue, green, gold, black 1BSGEC60E


White, blue, green, gold, black 1BSGEC60AE
Configured specifically for the MEDTRONIC ENDO GIA Reloads with TRI-STAPLE Technology
MEDTRONIC ENDO GIA Ultra Universal 45 Stapler Black 1BSGTRI45BE
MEDTRONIC ENDO GIA Ultra Universal 45 Stapler Purple 1BSGTRI45PE
MEDTRONIC ENDO GIA Ultra Universal 60 Stapler Black 1BSGTRI60BE
MEDTRONIC ENDO GIA Ultra Universal 60 Stapler Purple 1BSGTRI60PE

Products listed may not be available in all markets.
Sizing, availability and pricing varies by country.
Please check with your Gore representative for availability.

ETHICON, ECHELON FLEX and ENDOPATH are trademarks of Ethicon, Inc., a Johnson & Johnson Company.
MEDTRONIC, ENDO GIA and TRI-STAPLE are trademarks of Medtronic, Inc.
