Thrombosed AV grafts
Arteriovenous (AV) access grafts that have thrombosed are often associated with worse outcomes than those that are stenosed1
- The 2006 KDOQI guidelines for vascular access specify reasonable goals as follows2:
- Stenosed grafts: 50% primary patency at six months
- Thrombosed grafts: 40% primary patency at three months
There are a limited number of randomized trials to help guide evidence-based treatment decisions for patients with thrombosed grafts
- In the Gore REVISE Clinical Study, 43% of patients in the GORE® VIABAHN® Endoprosthesis with PROPATEN Bioactive Surface* arm of the study enrolled with a thrombosed graft.1

Images courtesy of Daniel V. Patel, M.D. Used with permission.

Images courtesy of Daniel V. Patel, M.D. Used with permission.
The GORE® VIABAHN® Device has proven success when treating thrombosed grafts1,2
Proven patency
- Exceeded KDOQI minimum guidelines for three-month circuit primary patency for thrombotic patients (48%) whereas Percutaneous Transluminal Angioplasty (PTA) did not (39%)1,2
- Increased primary patency in thrombosed grafts of both the target lesion and the circuit by ~50% when compared to PTA at six months1
Fewer reinterventions
- Lowered the mean number of interventions over two years by 40% in thrombosed grafts3
* As used by Gore, PROPATEN Bioactive Surface refers to Gore’s proprietary CBAS® Heparin Surface.
- Vesely T, DaVanzo W, Behrend T, Dwyer A, Aruny J. Balloon angioplasty versus Viabahn stent graft for treatment of failing or thrombosed prosthetic hemodialysis grafts. Journal of Vascular Surgery 2016;64(5):1400-1410.e1.
- Kidney Disease Outcomes, Quality Initiative (KDOQI). Clinical Practice Guidelines and Clinical Practice Recommendations. 2006 Updates. National Kidney Foundation Web site. . Accessed July 17, 2018.
- Mohr BA, Sheen AL, Roy-Chaudhury P, Schultz SR, Aruny JE; REVISE Investigators. Clinical and economic benefits of stent grafts in dysfunctional and thrombosed hemodialysis access graft circuits in the REVISE Randomized Trial. Journal of Vascular & Interventional Radiology 2019;30(2):203-211.e4.
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