




ゴア® カーディオフォーム




ゴア® カーディオフォーム セプタルオクルーダーに関連したエロ―ジョンの報告はありません。1-18

上記はカーディオフォーム セプタルオクルーダーについて報告されたデバイス関連のエロ―ジョン発生件数です。

CATSWeb Product Surveillance Tracking System (PSTS)から得たデータを用いて算出しました。

  • *カーディオフォーム セプタルオクルーダー、カーディオフォーム ASDオクルーダーおよびGORE® HELEX Septal Occluder (本邦未承認)について報告されたデバイス関連のエロ―ジョン発生件数は、CATSWeb Product Surveillance Tracking System (PSTS)のデータ (W.L. Gore & Associates, Inc; Flagstaff, AZ. 19951-202112)を用いて算出しました。

    カーディオフォーム セプタルオクルーダー、カーディオフォーム ASDオクルーダーおよびGORE® HELEX Septal Occluder (本邦未承認品)を含む (202211月時点)

    1. Moore J, Hegde S, El-Said J, et al; ACC IMPACT Steering Committee. Transcatheter device closure of atrial septal defects: a safety review.  JACC: Cardiovascular Interventions 2013;6(5):433-442.
    2. McElhinney DB, Quartermain MD, Kenny D, Alboliras E, Amin Z. Relative risk factors for cardiac erosion following transcatheter closure of atrial septal defects: a case-control study. Circulation 2016;133(18):1738-1746.
    3. DiBardino DJ, McElhinney DB, Kaza AK, Mayer JE Jr. Analysis of the US Food and Drug administration manufacturer and user facility device experience database for adverse events involving Amplatzer Septal Occluder devices and comparison with the Society of Thoracic Surgery congenital cardiac surgery database. Journal of Thoracic & Cardiovascular Surgery 2009;137(6):1334-1341.
    4. Thomson JDR, Qureshi SA. Device closure of secundum atrial septal defect’s and the risk of cardiac erosion. Echo Research & Practice 2015;2(4): R73-R78.
    5. Delaney JW, Li JS, Rhodes JF. Major complications associated with transcatheter atrial septal occluder implantation: a review of the medical literature and the manufacturer and user facility device experience (MAUDE) database. Congenital Heart Disease 2007;2(4):256-264.
    6. El-Said HG, Moore JW. Erosion by the Amplatzer Septal Occluder: experienced operator opinions at odds with manufacturer recommendations?. Catheterization & Cardiovascular Interventions 2009;73(7):925-930.
    7. Kitano M, Yazaki S, Sugiyama H, Ohtsuki S, Tomita H. Risk factors and predictors of cardiac erosion discovered from 12 Japanese patients who developed erosion after atrial septal defect closure using Amplatzer Septal Occluder. Pediatric Cardiology 2020;41(2):297-308.
    8. Turner DR, Owada CY, Sang CJ Jr, Khan M, Lim DS. Closure of secundum atrial septal defects with the AMPLATZER Septal Occluder: a prospective, multicenter, post-approval study. Circulation: Cardiovascular Interventions 2017;10(8):e004212.
    9. Taggart NW, Dearani JA, Hagler DJ.  Late erosion of an Amplatzer Septal Occluder device 6 years after placement. Journal of Thoracic & Cardiovascular Surgery 2011;142(1):221-222.
    10. Bergonti M, Toscano O, Teruzzi G, Trabattoni D. Never drop your guard down after atrial septal defect closure: a case report.  European Heart Journal. Case Reports 2019;3(2):ytz094.
    11. Amin Z, Hijazi ZM, Bass JL, Cheatham JP, Hellenbrand W, Kleinman CS. PFO closure complications from the AGA registry. Catheterization & Cardiovascular Interventions 2008;72(1):74-79.
    12. Abe T, Tsukano S, Tosaka Y. Pericardial tamponade due to erosion of an Figulla Flex II device after closure of an atrial septal defect. Catheterization & Cardiovascular Interventions 2019;94(7):1003-1005.
    13. Firouzi A, Siraj A, Masoud A, et al;. Long-term outcome of atrial septal defect (ASD) repair by the Figulla Flex II ASD Occluder: a retrospective cohort study at a referral heart center in Iran. Journal of Cardiology & Current Research 2020;13(1):15-19.
    14. Auriau J, Bouvaist H, Aaberge L, et al;. Cardiac erosions after transcatheter atrial septal defect closure with the Figulla Flex device. JACC: Cardiovascular Interventions 2019;12(14):1397-1399.
    15. Ikeda S, Imai M, Yoshizawa K, Miyamoto T, Fujiwara K, Sato Y. Cardiac erosion causing an aortic dissection after a catheter closure of an atrial septal defect: first late erosion case with the Figulla Flex II Septal Occluder. Cardiovascular Intervention & Therapeutics 2021;36(2):270-272.
    16. Kister T, Dähnert I, Lurz P. Fatal erosion atrial septal defect device. Catheterization & Cardiovascular Interventions 2016;87(5):951-954.
    17. Bier ML, Dhawan P, Shah SU, et al;. Cardiac erosions with the Amplatzer Septal Occluder: adverse events in the Manufacturer and User Facility Device Experience (MAUDE) Database since the 2012 FDA review. Structural Heart 2021;5(1):85-89.
    18. Crawford GB, Brindis RG, Krucoff MW, Mansalis BP, Carroll JD. Percutaneous atrial septal occluder devices and cardiac erosion: a review of the literature. Catheterization & Cardiovascular Interventions 2012;80(2):157-167

REDUCE Clinical Study要約資料

潜因性脳梗塞の既往を有する卵円孔開存(PFO)患者に対し、再発性虚血性脳卒中および新規脳梗塞の発生リスクについて、PFO閉鎖術と抗血小板療法の併用(デバイス群)と抗血小板療法のみ(Medical Management:MM群)の有効性を比較した試験データの要約資料です。以下のフォームよりご依頼ください。


販売名:ゴア® カーディオフォーム セプタルオクルーダー

231237186-JA NOVEMBER 2023