Innovation for improved outcomes in complex peripheral disease
Gore peripheral arterial disease (PAD) solutions: Innovation for improved outcomes in complex peripheral disease
Our innovative PAD solutions are designed for treating all stages of complex peripheral disease and backed by dedicated service to help improve patient outcomes.
Learn more about our PAD portfolio
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GORE® VIABAHN® VBX Balloon Expandable Endoprosthesis
Proven procedural success and long-term outcomes through flexibility, strength and accuracy to treat aortoiliac occlusive disease.

GORE® VIABAHN® Endoprosthesis
Durable outcomes and unmatched versatility across a broad range of complex cases.
Related information
- Panneton JM, Bismuth J, Gray BH, Holden A. Three-year follow-up of patients with iliac occlusive disease treated with the Viabahn Balloon-Expandable Endoprosthesis. Journal of Endovascular Therapy 2020;27(5):728-736.
- Soukas P. Three-year results of the GORE® VIABAHN® stent-graft in the superficial femoral artery for in-stent restenosis. Presented at VEINS (Venous Endovascular INterventional Strategies) and VIVA (Vascular InterVentional Advances) Annual Conference; October 31, 2022- November 2, 2022; Las Vegas, NV.